About Us!

Merina Ty-Kisera (Co-Owner)

Merina Ty-Kisera Ph.D, L.Ac, is a spiritual acupuncturist and metaphysician with an extensive background in frequency medicine including rife technology, AmpCoil and now the scalar wave technology offered through the EEsystem.
She is an Akashic Records guide, the author of Acupressure with Essential oils and the upcoming book Women Gone wild, intuition edition.

Rayne Whisler (Co-Owner)

Rayne Whisler is the CEO of Asheville Sky real estate and an investor.
She is a certified health coach and an award winning chef/baker of health enhancing foods.

Merina and Rayne are passionate about raising the consciousness of the planet and assisting the healing of all who are ready. 

The EEsystem and scalar waves have been a huge boost to their health and well-being and they are thrilled to share their space with you!

It’s an experience that is pure, peaceful and deeply restorative!
Come on over and Get your Wave on!!