About The Science

  • This blog is me researching to get answers to answer your questions. This is not gospel or perfect science, It’s my research and i’m open for discussion.

    Explore and discover with me.


    All of LIFE is made of Qi, Prana, LifeForce.

    There is no living without it.

    Qi (I’ll use that term because of my Asian medicine background) is what gives us consciousness, thoughts, sensations, creativity,…you name it, if you’re doing ANYthing its because you are motorized with Qi!

    What is Qi made of?


    Without getting too technical the sun produces electromagnetic radiation and its energy is called kinetic energy because it creates light waves that are constantly in motion and can be absorbed.

    Those light waves are absorbed by all living things.

    This natural Electromagnetic radiation (ER) can be manipulated and is used in many ways some good some not so good.

    Let’s start with the good. Naturally generated ER is absorbed by living beings. The human heart taps into that life force and produces an electric current that runs through the body to every cell through the meridians. This electric current in the body generates its own electromagnetic field which is similar to that which occurs in the natural physical environment.

    When we are at our optimal health the electromagnetic field measures 70-90 millivolts. As a cell begins to lose voltage, the signaling begins to shut down and the body begins to disease. It is commonly accepted that when cells begin to get below 20 millivolts it turns cancerous.

    As you may know todays environment is filled with man made and even some natural negative electromagnetic waves have been shown to have detrimental effects on human, animal and plant health. These negative electromagnetic fields have both particle and wavelike properties and can be measured in terms of amplitude (how intense the waves rise and fall) and how frequency (how fast the waves rise and fall) they are known as transverse waves (think of rippling water) and are different than scalar energy in that they have such a high energy that they can knock electrons out of atoms and cause damage to cells in organic matter…life. Thereby reducing the millivolts of cells.

    Cell towers, microwaves, radio waves, x-rays are just a few of the culprits of negative electromagnetic radiation. Millions of people are severely impacted by the radiation and it seems like there is no escape. The only way to get away from them is to find a remote natural location that is free of detrimental electromagnetic devices. Good luck finding them these days.

    So, how do we maintain a healthy ER in the midst of a sea of health compromising electromagnetic radiation? Thats where Scalar waves in.

    Scalar waves are created when two circular Electromagnetic waves come together from opposite converging vectors, the equal frequencies cancel each other leaving a Standing or Radiant energy, ie.Scalar Energy. This creates a Zero Point energy field. From what I have gathered this energy interacts with the electromagnetic energy (Qi) that runs through our body via the meridians.

    The Scalar energy then harmonizes the Qi in the body by re-energizing it to the proper life-giving millivolts. When this happens every bodily system can do its work as it was divinely designed. Sort of like an orchestra, every instrument is tuned perfectly so they can work together and produce a beautiful symphony.

    Spending time in the scalar waves of the Eesystem is like recharging the battery of your body, giving you more strength, vitality, and energy to thrive.

    Clinical trials have shown that the scalar waves in the EEsystem technology assists in cell regeneration, neurotransmitter functions, immune function, and so much more. And this research has been acknowledged by many in both medical and scientific communities. 1000s around the world are recording benefits such as mood elevation, lower stress levels, pain relief across the board, increased energy levels, emotional stability, improved immune function.

    There is so much more to learn and I look forward to diving deeper with you.

    In the meantime, you can read all about the science, the technology and more, but there’s nothing like direct experience.

    Come to our system in Black Mountain, Sit back, rest your brain, relax and let your body recharge knowing you are getting “amped”in the best possible way.

  • The Energy Enhancement SystemTM (EESystemTM) generates multiple bio-active life enhancing energy fields including “scalar waves” which can allow cell regeneration, improve immune function, provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate moods, and assist in balancing right and left hemispheres of the brain to increase energy levels.

    This stunning technology, developed over 20 years by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, Ph.D, DNM, DCSJI, uses custom-installed computers to generate morphogenic energy fields that can promote healing. The EESystem has been recognized at dozens of medical, scientific and professional conferences around the world.

    The EESystem has been installed throughout the United States and internationally to promote wellness, healing, relaxation, purification and rejuvenation. This ecologically & environmentally safe system is used by individuals, doctors, and therapists as well as Meditation and Wellness Centers to improve human development and psychological well-being.

    The Energy Enhancement System combines Body, Mind, Spirit and Science to help you achieve peak performance and reach higher states of health, consciousness and self-actualization. The future is here.

    Letter from Jack Schulman, Computer Scientist and physicist (Former President of American Computer Science Association Formerly contract consultant with At&T Bell Labs, CitiCorp, IGM, US Depart of Defense.)

    “In thirty years I have never seen anything running on computers that will provide beneficial side effects. However, after looking at the EESystem technology for over one year, there are no flaws or deception of any type.

    There appears to be some form of inter-dimensional or high super scalar energy being generated, which when a person sits in a room with the EESystem technology running, their entire life force improves.

    When we looked at water, after it had been charged in the EESystem room, its fundamental nature had changed. Its permeability index increased and the surface tension decreased. Food energized by this technology will be treated by the body as more absorbable.

    When we processed the hydrologist test, we found that something very interesting was happening to the hydrogen atom in the water. The energy covalent level of each hydrogen atom had increased when measured by our spectrographs. In fact the hydrogen was exhibiting some of the characteristics of heavy hydrogen, although the aspects were very positive.

    After I personally sat in an EESystem room, I felt very revitalized, refreshed, invigorated and relaxed.”

  • All life is energy. Every nerve impulse in your body is an electric current. Every cell in your body is a mini-battery pumping out 70-90 milli-volts – when healthy.

    Our muscles are powered by chemical energy. The steak and potatoes that you eat for dinner are really just fuel for the fire. Eating is like throwing coal in a furnace. Digestion is nothing more than a slow form of burning that which produces energy for your body to live on. In fact, death itself is defined as the absence of electrical activity in the brain. In the end, all life is energy.

    Optimize that energy and you optimize your health.

    Scalar energy optimizes your energy by assisting your body to return to producing its optimal level of 70-90 millivolts.

  • Absolutely. Actually, the more chronic the pain, the better the chance of improvement seems to be. Pain control is one of the fastest things the EESystem seems to help.

About Your Session

  • You’ll book your session in advance through our site. Once you arrive you’ll find a comfortable seat in our facility. The goal is to go deep and relax. The Energy Enhancement space is designed for even distribution of scalar energy throughout the entire room. It is common to feel subtle sensations very quickly, however whether you feel it or not, changes will occur at a cellular level. It is also quite common to fall asleep during your session!

  • We suggest a minimum of 2 hours in a session because it usually takes at least a half hour for most people to be able to quiet their minds and begin to relax. How much longer and/or how frequently you should have a session depends on your level of health and what you want to accomplish.

    Every person is different and can react differently as to how fast they get results. Our suggestion is to start with a two hour session and then see how it has affected you. At that point you can get an idea as to if you want a longer session next time, or more sessions at all.

    If you have a specific health challenge, or a more difficult health challenge, you might want to start with a 4 hour session and see how that works for you. You may find that is enough or you might want to do daily, twice-weekly, weekly or monthly sessions.

    If you have a serious condition, be aware of your condition and keep your health professional appraised of what you are doing so they can monitor your progress.

  • Covered water bottle- no glass and no open containers.

    Room is shoe free- so wear socks or bring slippers. (We have extras)

    Eye mask if you desire.

    Ear plugs if you desire.

    Extra cozy blanket - room is kept cool.

    Wifi-We have spotty wifi. It is encouraged to use the time in the EESystem to unplug and come home to your true self and your optimum health.

    For any questions, please contact Merina at 828-606-1915

  • Close your eyes, calm your mind and feel the energy infusing your body with health. Then, relax, meditate, or take a nap. The more relaxed and receptive you are, the more results you will get.

  • The EESystem can help you achieve your maximum potential by recharging your energy. Imagine what this can do for you! We’ve put together a sample of users experiences after trying the EESystem.

    Remember, every individual experience is different.

    Feelings of Calmness, Harmony, Zen, Oneness, Peace, Relaxation

    Natural Healing & Rejuvenation

    Sense of Increased Energy

    Relief from Depression

    More Emotionally Clear & Free

    Rapid Post Surgical Healing

    Improved Inner Direction

    Less Attachment to Past Traumas

    Being more Present

    Better Response to Stressors


    Peak Performance

    Better Mental Health

    Relief from Severe Pain

    Living in the Now

    Improved Blood Profiles

    Mental Flexibility/Clarity

    Improved Spontaneity

    Improved Time Competency

    Living more Authentically

    Improved Self-Acceptance

    Sense of Self-Awareness

    Super Learning States

    Self-Confidence & Self-Love

  • Hydrate throughout the day. Detoxing is one of the fastest results from sessions and is invaluable in the process of helping your body heal itself.

    Because the EESystem sessions release toxins in your system so effectively, occasionally, people may have a headache, a sore throat or be sluggish after a session. It is highly advised that everyone, regardless of symptoms, take a hot, sea salt soaking bath. This will help pull the toxins out through your skin and clean them out of your system faster.

  • Recommended salt bath recipe to use in conjunction with EE-System sessions to assist in detoxification.

    During EESystem sessions the body’s function is being harmonized and balanced. In that process all the systems are supported to function at their best. They then are more actively able to detox impurities. In order to facilitate the release of the toxins from the skin a Salt bath is recommended after each session. Below is the recipe recommended by Dr. Sandra Michael to enhance the process.

    SALT BATH RECIPE/PROTOCOL • 2 cups | sea salt • 2 cups | baking soda • 1 cup | 20 Mule Team Borax • 2 tablespoons (or more) | Hypercharged EESalt (if available)

    OPTIONAL TO ADD: • Add pine oil or other essential oil • 1/2 cup | bentonite clay • 2 tsp. - 1/4 cup | ginger powder • 2 tsp. - 1/4 cup | matcha green tea • 2 cups | food grade or regular Hydrogen Peroxide DIRECTIONS: Put in a tub of hot water and soak for 30 minutes or more with a wet towel over the chest. Also good to scrub skin while in bath. Good to use magnesium lotion or magnesium oil with coconut oil following the bath.

  • Scalar and the associated energies generated by the EESystem are extremely beneficial to all living tissue and can only benefit you and your baby.

  • Yes, there is no minimum age. The system energies are healthy at all ages and conditions.