Book A Session
Shambala LifeForce Center is located on a magical property in Black Mountain, NC
The space is quiet zone and we ask you to turn off your phones when in the EEmeditation room.
Parking is limited. if you have friends coming with you, please car pool. We look forward to hosting you!
10:00am–5pm (Last seating)
Monday: 10:00am–5pm
Tuesday: 10:00am–5pm
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 10:00am–5pm
Friday: 10:00am–5pm
Saturday: 10:00am–5pm
Sunday: 10:00am–5pm
528 Padgettown Rd.
Black Mountain, NC 28711
Parking: Driveway is gravel. Parking is on the immediate right or can park in front of the barn straight ahead. Follow the path to the door which is to the right of the barn. Please car pool when possible.
**We are currently still working on the outer landscape so there will be uneven pathway with grass and dirt.